What is Plastic Surgery?

Art and Science

Art and Science

Plastic surgery is a curious creature, it was born amidst the embers of war in an attempt to give back normal life to it’s mutilated victims, making great strides during armed conflicts by force of necessity. 

From this dark and difficult start blossomed a spark of curiosity, if we used surgical science in conjunction with the precepts of art and beauty to restore normalcy to those who had lost it, could we not use those very same principles to improve the appearance of healthy people? , or help rebuild those that had suffered the ravages of cancer or other diseases? 

Little by little plastic surgery began to evolve, trailblazing into new areas of knowledge with an insatiable hunger to learn and grow, so now plastic surgery encompasses many areas, from maxillofacial surgery wich concerns itself with the facial skeleton and tissues, to the management of burns, to trauma or degenerative conditions of the hand, to all types of skin lesions, to post-cancer reconstruction surgeries, and ending with the crown jewel of Plastic Surgery, one of the most difficult disciplines to master, and for which we spend many years learning the bases of all the previous disciplines: cosmetic surgery, where we use all the knowledge and skills gained during decades of training to help change a healthy person with, into who they have always wanted to be . 

Dear Visitor, plastic surgery can do much for you, it can restore what has been lost, heal your wounds, or help you to see in the mirror the reflection you have always expected to see there. 

Welcome to Apex Plastic Surgery, welcome to the first step towards a better future.